To Israel And Beyond

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Shavua tov, from Shavuot

Hope everyone all over the world is haveing a nice time after tikkun leyil, whihc fro me didn't seem to be so much. I mean I did go through Pelegesh bgiva with the marcus-schwartz's, and then by myself Pirkie avot, and Maaseh ha'mirkava with yedidya and who ever happened to be wandering around. But I felt I got more out of listening to Rabbi Dov Wiess's divrei Torah about morarilty and troublesome parts of the torah which was a series that I heard mostly between mincha and maariv on all three nights. One thing I notice here is that, its not like sydney or another place where there are so few jews that a Jew on seeing another Jew will invite him/her over to thier house and give them anything including thier new suit as a dish towel, niether is it Israel where everyone is jewish and there is this general feeling of achdut, where everyone is "achi." Here in New York, one in about every six people is jewish, so for instance my latin class and the 5 people out of 30 who took the test to avoid shavuot and the other 15-20 that are Jewish. So here its like yah your jewish so what? there is no feeling of a specail connection because of how rare it is, and there is no connection based on the complete population being bound together.

More Later...


At 6/15/2005 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i went to a class on the 'troublesome parts' as well. the teacher had a very interesting (albeit slightly heretical) take on things like sotah amalek etc. but i also thought tikkun leyl in general went by really fast.


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