To Israel And Beyond

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A plug for Ray Hanania on ynetnews

Well here is an excerpt from his latest column

Killers as 'martyrs'

Already Palestinians have forsaken that
fundamental moral code in dealing with the issue of suicide bombing. Regardless
of the pain and suffering inflicted by Israel upon Palestinians, suicide
bombings remain an immoral, unjustified heinous act of

Suicide bombings should be denounced without hesitation.
Instead, many Palestinians cheer the suicide murderers on as “martyrs,” a
distortion of the term both from a political and a religious standpoint, or they
sit back and excuse the suicide bombings, probably the most cowardly stance of
all by Palestinians.

Only a few voices denounce suicide bombings
for what they are.The destruction of the Jewish synagogues adds more Palestinian
sin to the tragedy.

No difference between Jews,

Palestinians have argued from the beginning that they are
not against Jews, but against Zionism.
Yet, when the opportunity came to
distinguish between Jews and Zionism, Palestinians chose to treat them both the

Palestinians in Gaza enraged by the 38 years of Israel’s
oppressive occupation there rampaged and burned down many if not all of the

It is a disgusting thought. It has put lie to the
Palestinian claim that they do not hate Jews. It is an outright act of
anti-Semitism and Palestinian leaders should have done more to protect those
synagogues which were less symbols of the settler fanatics, but rather symbols
of a religion that is a sibling to Islam and Arab Christianity.

Normally its a great read for the humor, he is a comedian by trade, but it is also intresting to get a palestinian view on things, even if his view unfortinitly isn't mainstream.

links to his columns,7340,L-3449,00.html


At 11/14/2005 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Regardless of the pain and suffering inflicted by Israel upon Palestinians"
"Palestinians in Gaza enraged by the 38 years of Israel’s
oppressive occupation"
"symbols of the settler fanatics"

You still think that it is "unfortunate" that his views are not mainstream? I mean honestly, do you really need his affirmation that suicide bombings are evil? He still believes the Jews are illegally occupying "Palestinian" Arab land. He perpetuates the lie of Israeli oppression and the so-called Palestinian Arab right to the land which Israel stole from them. Though he is a self-proclaimed "moderate," so he will tell you suicide bombings are bad (thank you, Captain Obvious), this "perspective" is what drives the suicide bombers. His views are indeed mainstream, and that is a scary thought. Jews should have the right to live wherever they want, especially in the Jewish State of Israel. Judaism and Zionism are inextricably linked, though he tries to draw a line between the two (that's not to say there aren't many non-Zionistic Jews, but there are also many conservative and reform Jews who don't follow halakha). And I've read some of this guy's comedy. Maybe English isn't his first language, because something clearly got lost in the translation of what I read. He uses bad puns and trite one-liners. Not funny at all.

At 11/14/2005 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you see that is supporting the Palestinian Narrative. There is nothing wrong with supporting his side, however he really believes that there is hope. As for his comedy, maybe I haven't seen enoguh of it, but some of it made me laugh

At 11/14/2005 2:03 PM, Blogger GD said...

Yeah, he believes there is hope, hope for the Jewish State to cease to exist. There is something very wrong with his side. He does not want a Jewish State. Perhaps he does not want a Muslim State either (as those are pretty oppressive), but this is unclear - the only thing he says is that he doesn't advocate suicide bombings in order to achieve this. Perhaps he merely wants a "democratic" state. This means one man, one vote, everyone's equal. Sounds good. But what happens then to the Jewish State? Israel would become a democracy like all others - a cheap knockoff of America or England, or if you prefer, France. Nothing inherently Jewish about it.


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