To Israel And Beyond

Monday, December 19, 2005

More about MTA??

so what is MTA? INFO HERE

now I just have to wait for questions from people about it...

so why go now?

It's ISRAEL!! are you kidding me? why delay going to Israel?

ok, but also, everyone at YU is so much older than me, and even though I love Rabbi Wieder, thats not a good enough reason to stay.

I was tinking of staying another half a semester so that i could improve my gemara skills, but I can do that better at Yishiva so why not?

I also thought that maybe I wanted to go to maale gilboa, but I can still do that.

I also though, maybe I won't be able to transfer to an Israeli university, but between GEDs, Mechina and possibly coming back to YU I can also do that...

In short, I want to make Aliyah at some point, why not get a headstart on it?

ok, fine I do admit I want to see my family and my aussie friends...


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