To Israel And Beyond

Monday, January 24, 2005

now for a real post from hawaii

While on the plane to Hawaii, I figure what better time to catch up on my thoughts. Right now I am listening to Keren’s cool Israeli song mix, it turns out music can be a great thing, who would’ve guessed. They had this contest on who could guess the time to the second when we would be half way on the trip from chigago to Honolulu, they gave us a few details like average speed, headwinds, distance, take off time etc, so I used the calculator on the computer to try to figure it out, but then I realized I didn’t know how headwinds and tailwinds worked, and anyway most of the figure they gave us wouldn’t hold up, so I came up with a number and then added ten minutes and ten seconds, I still probably underestimated. Hopefully, I didn’t there were some pretty cool prizes, maybe I will win one(yah right!). Its weird in the air you feel like you are in a completely different universe, especially with the windows down.. it’s a cool feeling, but yet so draining, when I did get a chance to look out a window it was absolutely amazing, most of the country is covered in snow from the citys to the plains to the mountains, but now we are over the water. I just tried learning some gemara brachot, it didn’t work at all, maybe my mind is distracted and with the lack of sleep but I couldn’t read. Unfortunitly I accidently left my Tanach on the shelf in our house, but I have one of those cool artscroll mini linear tehilim books, that’s probably easier to learn on an airplane wit turbulence than a travel size gemara. I really should do my homework but now I am running out of computer battery life so maybe I will read it over again and formulate a plan, I really should have finished it already. Its amazing how crazy people are about idan reichal or however you spell his name, we ave the cd in Sydney. Suddenly at bnei camp everyone is talking about it then I get into riverdale and everyone is trying to give me his music and even yedidya owns a copy of the full cd. It feels so removed from reality up here in an airplane, I wonder what it would be like to be in an airplane for a whole week, besides everyone going psychotic of course, well who knows with the new airbus380 and the new boing 7E7 maybe this perpetual misery of economy class will get better. But does it really matter? Once I get to Israel why do I need to fly anymore? I’ll be one of those people living in Israel that people visit, maybe one time I would go back to Sydney or new york, but except for shlichut why leave? If you didn’t want to make aliyah beforehand you will after watching the videos on nefesh b’nefesh’s website. I pity my poor kids, they won’t be make aliyah, that’s the one annoying thing about aliyah you can only do it once!

Somehow this will get to the internet someday from my laptop

Until then
Nahshon Seraphya Tzvi Berrin

Well now it got to the blog by means of a usb onto a computer at an internet café. And well I didn’t win the competion, I was off by 20 minutes, I made a mistake with the headwind/tailwind part, to think I would have gotten it by 4 seconds off while the closest winner was 45 seconds off, oh well. Now its pooring outside but even at night it still feels boiling because its 85 degrees farenhight / 45 degrees celcius warmer here than in new york. I just got some fruit for tu b’shvat, its some pretty strange stuff. I am too young to get Israeli wine and they don’t have kosher grape juice so no seder for me it looks like, well maybe I’ll buy some nuts and then do it without the arba kosot. Anyway, I got to get some sleep for my dives tomorrow so
Goodbye, Good luck and have wonderful lives


well right now I am in the hotel I am staying at, a REALLY nice place called the Ala Moana. and right now I am near the check in desk where they have a few computers set up with the internet. Which reminds me I need to look to see if there are any free or pay hotspots becuase this internet is expensive at 15 cents a min which transilates into $9 an hour(yes Hawaii is part of america) so I amm waikiki on the Island of o'ahu and I learned that its supposed to be pronounces hawvaie like you would if you had an east european accent. Tommorow I am going scuba diving at 7am and then i just booked a whale boat tour at 3pm. I am wondering what to do the next day, becuase I can't do two dives in the morning with flying but I could do one, but it wouldn't really be worth it. I am going to try to see about a nature hike, the problem is that they are little easy sissy ones, even the ones that call themselves moderate they mean you walk for about an hour, can you say BORING?? anyway I also want to visit pearl harbor. Its wierd to try to get around yourself, especailly when you are staying at a hotel which asumes you have money to throw away while you are actually working with under $100 to spend, so they tell me to take a $8 bus to pearl harbor when there is ( i think) a $2 bus that goes there. ooh so much fun stufff to work out.

anyway i am about to run out of time again so I need to still look for hotspots so
see y'all l8r
