To Israel And Beyond

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


So the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is on strike now.

Meaning that everything in the city is going to be wierd.
Buses and Subways are not running
Taxis are using differnt fares
Cars to get through some places must have at least 4 passangers
Schools are opening late

So besides of the MTA- MTA connection... how does this effect me?

Well first of all to get into MTA(Bnei Akiva Program) I need an interview, but I can't get ot the rabbi who is interviewing becuase of the MTA strike.

Also right now, this might effect my shabbat plans. I could get paid $50 to go to a smll shule in an isolated place in the bronx and do a little kriyat ha'torah and who knows what... with transport provided. Or if the MTA is not on strike any longer, I will want to go to Riverdale. Sure I can walk to Riverdale or bike in the sub-zero temperatures, thats not the issue. But Kyra Young of Queens would have no good way of getting to Riverdale, so if she isn't coming to Riverdale then I have to think about taking the "job."

The strike will probibly affect me in other ways, we just have to see how long it goes on

Monday, December 19, 2005

More about MTA??

so what is MTA? INFO HERE

now I just have to wait for questions from people about it...

so why go now?

It's ISRAEL!! are you kidding me? why delay going to Israel?

ok, but also, everyone at YU is so much older than me, and even though I love Rabbi Wieder, thats not a good enough reason to stay.

I was tinking of staying another half a semester so that i could improve my gemara skills, but I can do that better at Yishiva so why not?

I also thought that maybe I wanted to go to maale gilboa, but I can still do that.

I also though, maybe I won't be able to transfer to an Israeli university, but between GEDs, Mechina and possibly coming back to YU I can also do that...

In short, I want to make Aliyah at some point, why not get a headstart on it?

ok, fine I do admit I want to see my family and my aussie friends...


So update in my life:

lets see, I have resolved the director/play issue and am getting credit for it.

I am hainvg trouble sleeping and eating on schedule but overall school isn't that bad.

I am going out with a very cool girl :)

I am a madrich in bnei akiva in riverdale, we had an awesome peula for za"ch this last week

I just applied to Moshava IO, ennismore and stone. The interviews went well

I can't figure out what courses to take next semester

The last two things are probibl irrelivent becuase I will likely go on the MTA shant ba'aretz prgoram of Australia at Yeshivat Har Etzion.... Just a few issues to resolve

and MAKE ALIYAH!!! if you need help here are some websites