To Israel And Beyond

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

In allentwon,PA

so Allentown, a nice umm "city" if you want to call it that, I guess it has some aparment buildings and a business district but what really matter are that my grandparents live here and dorney park is 3 miles away from them. So I went there today with 8 of my little cousins, it was like a camp almost having 8 little kids wanting to do differnt rides and this and that and who is fighting with who. Hmmm, maybe i should seek employment there.

So here is the employment scene:
Lots of camps that seem to mabye want someone
JCC in allentown camp, but I am not a lifeguard, but I guess if they are willing to give me the neccasary test
Working for Zev selling things on ebay
Volunteering at AMCHA
walk up and down stores looking for a vacany

anyone else have any ideas, Rel's wasn't bad win the lottery and then take up time by voluteering as I feel like it

anyone with ideas email me, and in general email me, I wonder if its true or not but everytime I say email me becuase I won't email you i get two more emails, and there are still a few people who on MSN/AIM tell me that i have to email them(you know who you are), well they will see who wins this battle(me)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

In riverdale, byebye latin

So lots has happened in the past few days... I stopped doing the latin thing, and need to return the books.
I have seen lots of cousins on both sides of the family at varius parties and smachot, and this shababt i will be in monsey for my cousins bar mitzvah where i will be baal koreh at mincha so I have to learn chukat.
In terms of what now, well I have to find something to do this summer, anyone got any ideas? if you do email me , and if you don't also drop me a line at seraphya *@*

I am trying to figure out what to do today, I mean I could go down to allentown with yedidya's family who is going to levitown so I could go to dorney park tommorow but I don't know how that would really work.

ok, time to enjoy the beutiful day hashem has given us