In allentwon,PA
so Allentown, a nice umm "city" if you want to call it that, I guess it has some aparment buildings and a business district but what really matter are that my grandparents live here and dorney park is 3 miles away from them. So I went there today with 8 of my little cousins, it was like a camp almost having 8 little kids wanting to do differnt rides and this and that and who is fighting with who. Hmmm, maybe i should seek employment there.
So here is the employment scene:
Lots of camps that seem to mabye want someone
JCC in allentown camp, but I am not a lifeguard, but I guess if they are willing to give me the neccasary test
Working for Zev selling things on ebay
Volunteering at AMCHA
walk up and down stores looking for a vacany
anyone else have any ideas, Rel's wasn't bad win the lottery and then take up time by voluteering as I feel like it
anyone with ideas email me, and in general email me, I wonder if its true or not but everytime I say email me becuase I won't email you i get two more emails, and there are still a few people who on MSN/AIM tell me that i have to email them(you know who you are), well they will see who wins this battle(me)