To Israel And Beyond

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A turn for the worse...

Well besides feeling like I know no Latin morphology even the stuff I have known since Bronx Science, The Palestinian Authority doesn't seem to be doing any better. Its amazing how the world is praising the PA for "accepting" Israel's withdrawl, thats like being praised for accepting a free million dollars, land for free!! I guess some might say that this is a positive sign that shows that maybe the PA is more willing to talk to israel, but that is just silly, they were only holding out on agreeing so they could look better when they did even while officially spreading these lies

Jpost account of the lies

Ynet news... WOW we are selling drinks with artifical sweeteners, what a horrible international crime!, maybe if we put sugar in, we would be blamed for trying to start an obesiety epidemic

What I want to know is why do such comments by a member of the PA cabinet not get reported in the MSM!!!! how can only a few israeli website, and one or two small time papers take notice. Well that is if you don't take into account the Xinhua Article which actually took the allegations sersiusly!

I want peace and I support the disegagment (shock and horror to some)

Yes, I do think that a peace in eretz yisrael for midinat yisrael is not just about a better life for Am Yisrael but is also important for the the the arabs who are also people. Yes it may seem obvius to most , but for some the arabs becuase thier leaders have taken up on antisemitism no longer see the other people in eretz yisrael and around the midddle east for what they are, people. They also deserve peace and a better life and worry more about which job opptertunity thier son will take and not have to worry about if thier child will become a terrorist and have to praise them lest they be branded a traiotor.

And now that that is settled, we also have to realized that these people have to live somewhere, sorry but they aren't going back to thier respective arab homelands. So they need a state, but not only that, once they have a state they will have to actually be responsible for themselves and their actions, they will have to stop thier silly sotries like that israel tries to posion them like the wells of europe. They will have to stop thier terrorists and actually try to create order, or maybe the world will actually realize that its time for sanctions becuase they are no longer israel's responsiblity.

That brings me to the disengagement, we can't leave the IDF in a foriegn soverign nation, just becuase Syria does it doesn't mean its right. So why does it mean we have to remove the setllers, let them take assylum status with the PA government, or let the PA commit ethich cleansing, I don't think thay will anymore than israel will "transfer" arabs out of israel, but at least Jews won't have to do this, and Israel can leave them there just like the million arabs that now live in Israel. If the PLO arabs really want peaceful coexistance then tehy shouldn't need a judenrien country, although i have been saying this for years and years finnaly the MSM is picking up on it

Are settlements an obstacle to peace?
If the 1.3 million Israeli Arabs are indeed a model of peaceful coexistence, why are the 250,000 Jews living in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and the Golan Heights an obstacle to peace?

If the uprooting of Arab communities within the Green Line constitutes a blatant human rights violation, why is the uprooting of Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza viewed as a contribution to peace?

The fact we do not even consider a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria under Palestinian overeignty reflects Palestinian intentions, which are the genuine obstacle to peace.
The Oslo Accords do not place limitations on settlement activity. According to Israeli law, Arabs must not be expelled and private Arab land must not be expropriated for the purpose of establishing settlements.

The settlements as a test of Palestinian aspirations for peace

The hope for peace on the one hand, and the intention to uproot Jewish or Arab communities on the other hand, are at polar opposites. If the Palestinians cannot swallow the presence of 250,000 Jews, how do they define “peaceful coexistence?” Can we really mention lasting peace and “Judenrein” (an area free of Jews) in the same breath? The malicious opposition to a Jewish presence in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan Heights is the manifestation of official, long term, deeply entrenched ideology and strategy, which constitute the root of the conflict.
The claim that settlements are on obstacle to peace flies in the face of reality, which makes
clear that only a Palestinian recognition of the settlements’ legitimacy would demonstrate a genuine desire for a viable peace settlement.

nota bene, I disagree with some of the other conclusion in this link

When its not 3am I will go into detail why giving a right of return for "refugees" might be the pancea for Israel