To Israel And Beyond

Monday, January 09, 2006

So what is myspace?
I am not really sure

My Profile is Here

I am using it to meet Israelis, so that hopefully I will know more people when I go there soon.
Also, I am stuck a bit in the insular religous Israeli world. Some interaction with other segements of Israeli or American could be very worthwhile. Not that MySpace or the Internet is a great place for it, but you have to start somewhere

Ariel Sharon

I figure most people who are reading this Already know what has happened to Sharon.

I will just ask you keep Ariel Ben Devorah in your thoughts , prayers and tehillim.

After this stroke, and he looks like he will recover somewhat, there is no way the Israeli political structure will be the same.

I do not want to think of the possible consequences of this power vaccuum.

Just keep Medinat Yisrael's welfare along with all of Klal Yisrael in mind.

Rough Times are Ahead