To Israel And Beyond

Friday, June 17, 2005

Friday Latin (week 2)

So now I know every verb forum in every conjugation and every noun in every case and declension. But, I don't really know them, and other people do. Having a sinus headache isn't helping much either. I have about a 50/50 chance of passing mondays test if I spend every second learning for latin and then some. Its just too much, it feals like your head is going to explode from being stuffed. And still the Paraphrastics and infinitive forms I missed on shavuot are still huanting me.

On the happier side of things, I am going to see my grandmother in Monsey for shabbat which will be fun and then my cousin's Bat Mitzvah on sunday, ok maybe i will take a 2 hour break from studying, but only those two hours besides eating sleeping and davening, ok blogging and emailing but not much.

And to end off on a little political comment, don't you think its crazy when "peace protests" are used as a forum to attack people and property and to generaly be violent?

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Why do we take this from them??

Palestinian foreign minister Nasser al-Qidwa said Saturday, June 11, that disarming armed organizations is not on the table because they are legal as long as “the occupation” exists

- Debka

You know that might be a problem? Becuase the PA very clearly numerous times, infactI think it has been in every deal since Oslo, but certainly the whole point of the road map, and the hand shake with Abbas was that the terrorists groups would be dismantled. No, it doesn't mean that they would ask them to stop and get these false temporary cease fires, it means taking thier weapons away. It was one thing when the PA at least made statements that weere clearly against the violence and when they couldn't stop terrorists from firing rockets or didn't arrest terrorits with rockets , or sometimes freed them, but at least they said they were trying and came out with real nice statements.

But now this! It doesn't really matter if they are "legal"(which is a strange word in international law), they signed agreements that they would dismantle them. Killing civilians is clearly illegal as opposed to settlements which are pretty much legal. If israel agreed to dismantle every setllement and didn't do it, there would be a problem, but would the world stand and watch as Israel made official statements hat they instead decided that building settlements is legal and should continue until the palestinians decided to move to Jordan, Egypt and Syria?

Don't even get me started on how silly it is to call the settlements obstructions to peace, why do they obsruct? becuase the palestinians say so. It makes them angry and you can't sit around and sicuss borders if everything isn't perfect for them, so first israel has to stop settlements and then we can think about stopping terrorism, but maybe we won't. Setllemnts to not stop peace at all, sure in the end they might have to go(at least some of them) but they don't stop peace anymore than the antisemitic articles and cartoons in the PA official press. Lets say the palestinians decided to calm down and said ok we won't let the settlements bother us while trying to negotiate, we will calm down becuase when we talk we will find solutions. Becuase its not like the settlemnts are shooting and blowing people up and firing rockets they aren't attacking so if you calm down and take a dep breath you would be able to civily talk it over. Of corse Israel has to deal with being blown up and shot at, but I thihnk we can overcome this true obstacle to peace if we can get the palestinians to actually be truthfull first to themselves and then to us.

I really should have been studying, but what the Foriegn Minister said is completely antithetical to any chance of hope for a peace that would help both the Israeli people and the PLO arabs

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Shavua tov, from Shavuot

Hope everyone all over the world is haveing a nice time after tikkun leyil, whihc fro me didn't seem to be so much. I mean I did go through Pelegesh bgiva with the marcus-schwartz's, and then by myself Pirkie avot, and Maaseh ha'mirkava with yedidya and who ever happened to be wandering around. But I felt I got more out of listening to Rabbi Dov Wiess's divrei Torah about morarilty and troublesome parts of the torah which was a series that I heard mostly between mincha and maariv on all three nights. One thing I notice here is that, its not like sydney or another place where there are so few jews that a Jew on seeing another Jew will invite him/her over to thier house and give them anything including thier new suit as a dish towel, niether is it Israel where everyone is jewish and there is this general feeling of achdut, where everyone is "achi." Here in New York, one in about every six people is jewish, so for instance my latin class and the 5 people out of 30 who took the test to avoid shavuot and the other 15-20 that are Jewish. So here its like yah your jewish so what? there is no feeling of a specail connection because of how rare it is, and there is no connection based on the complete population being bound together.

More Later...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

At yedidya's house in Riverdale for shavuot

Wow there is so much to say, I am missing a month's worth of Latin for Shavuot, so yah thats just swell(hmm thats a word I think I have never used that word before)

So I am probibly going to go to Keren's house for some meals.

How did I end up at a carnivorous house for shavuot of all chagim?

Chag sameach

PS its my bday!

as per usual, at an internet cafe, this time on 36th and 5th Ave

Well, Shavuot is upon us, and I am busy learning the 600+ vocab words we learned in the first 4 days of Latin, and the aproximatly 1200 differnt forms of verb and the 60 forms of nouns. I am taking the test today on Sunday, becuase would have been shavuot, by missing shavuot i am also missing the equivlent of a month of uni classes, so thats fun. I am now going to study with the Yehudim Datim which are 5 out of 30 of the class, we are meeting in a starbucks to study. Its intresting how also about 60% of the class is jewish even an israeli or two. So I am going off to study,
So Chag sameach to all, and to those in australia where it is already chag, I hope you had a wonderful Chag with much limud torah