To Israel And Beyond

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Key words and phrases when thinknig of the Disengagement

Remember we are not Giving Back land, we are Giving Away land.
Now I just looked up some Golda Meir Quotes so here they are in realtion to that, although you can find thousands of quotes to the same effect
"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to."—Golda Meir

Are we really giving back land to "Palestinians"? NO! they are a mix of arabs, considering they are in Gaza many are probibly egyptian

"There were no such thing as Palestinians. When was there an independent Palestinian people with a Palestinian state? It was either southern Syria before the First World War, and then it was a Palestine including Jordan. It was not as though there was a Palestinian people in Palestine considering itself as a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist." - Golda Meir

This is NOT "Land for Peace"; This is also NOT "Land as a reward for terror"; This is NOT "Land for free"; and certainly NOT "Land becuase we are wimps and you chased us out" I will get back to you when I come up with somethign good to call it. Right now I am just getting tired of all the people saying that "ok, maybe I could accept land for peace halachikally and politically, but this is just giveing in to terror for no reason." That is not looking beyond what is happening at the very tip of the surface.

Reason #3 I support the disengagement

You know what? The Palestinians are people, yes (what you think this is some chidush, suprising?) they really are.

That means that they have a right to self determination. Not to say that it will happen quickly, but maybe if we give them some resopnsiblity they will start taking some responsibilty. YHes right now we still provide utilities and other infostructure, but in later steps hopefully we won't. Then they will have to spend time building roads and fixing pipes without haveing the oppertunity to avail themselves of the excuse that its Israel's fualt that improvements aren't taking place. We will hopefully see the truth of Golda Meir's statement "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us." This can only happen when they start realizing that they must care for thier children, this is a step in the right direction. Its intresting how Sharansky seems to follow in her footsteps in saying that democracy in a free society promotes self intrest which equals peace.

Reason #2 I support the Disengagement

From the same artlice as the above post

"What happened to Moussa Arafat is quite a common event in the
[Palestinian's] political reality," said Sneh. "This is their problem and
they should take care of it."

Now when we say that we really mean it. Let them deal with thier problems with out us haveing to engage in thier insane intertribal blood feuds.

Reason #1 I support the disengagement

Well Here is a quote right out of the Jerusalem Post

The army should respond to terrorism with a heavier hand following Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. - Gen. Dan Halutz told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Tuesday.
"The chief of Staff [Halutz] said very clearly, and very accurately, that the IDF has a broad spectrum of military responses to terrorism," said former deputy defense minister Ephraim Sneh. "Which of these means will be elected in the future in response to Palestinian fire is a decision that will have to be taken at that given moment."
In response to fears that Palestinians mortars were within striking distance of several major Israeli cities, Halutz answered, "We too have mortars," and reportedly told the committee that the army would not hesitate to use the arsenal of weaponry at their disposal.
MK Ehud Yatom added that once every soldier had left Gaza, it was likely that the IDF would begin instituting harsher responses towards hostile fire.

Monday, September 05, 2005


So we now know what would happen if a Catastrophic Natrual Disaster were to strike a "modern" city, and what we see is not pretty. This wasn't New York, London or Paris, but even in this small metropolis the scenes of devastation and anarchy can be viewed as just a small hint of what could happen in a larger scale. Now do you want to pause and think what an atomic weapon might do to a city like New York. Thats right, neither do I.

Its now already very clear, that this was a disaster that mainly killed the lower class. What did the governments expect those with out easy access to transportation out of the city to do? They weren't even able to evacuate them after the fact. Hopefully that is one thing we might learn from this. Right now I don't want to dwell on the mistakes and blame game aspect, right now the focus should be on the people and the tradgedy. The Cops and civilians out on the street who were being shot at, yet went out to save lives. One can not blame the hundreds of police that handed in their badges after the situation turned to anarchy, and you really feel the pain of those who officers who committed suicide.

On the Subject of anarchy
Pirkei Avot:
ג,ב רבי חנניה סגן הכוהנים אומר, הוי מתפלל בשלומה של מלכות--שאלמלא מוראה, איש את ריעהו חיים בלעו
so in case you never fully appreciated how important a government is, we can see what America would turn into with out a government, a situation which brings imagery of the flood generation of Noah.

May we see the quick reconnection of Secular and Religous Jews in ISrael and greater peace bewteen all of Humankind