To Israel And Beyond

Saturday, June 11, 2005

In New York finnaly

I don't think most people know what jetlag trully is. When suddenly you find yourself on an airplane for 26 hours eating plain bread rolls and junk food, while stopped over at LA you are told by no less than 5 people(who should know, I mean like the person who checked me in in sydney, a flight attendent nad customs people etc) and that you don't have to get your bags, and then suddenly asking someone just in case and them telling me that I should have gotten them back before, and now I wouldn't be able to go back and get it, and no one really wanted to bring it to me, so I had to get delayed by two hours. oh, was I complainnig? no becuase I actually didn't mind to much except that the plane was so dry that my lips and nose bled and my eyes were cracking. No, it was actually pretty cool, thanks to everyone who wrote me plane letters and Doron, that was an awesome dvar torah I really need to talk to you about some of the intresting issues it brought up, y'all should learn some torah from Doron. oh, and I wasn't complaining, I am just warning everyone else, NEVER to complain to me unless of course you chas vechalila have a worse experiance, bli ayin hara.

But, now I am staying with relatives in New Rocjelle, which is nice finnaly seeing all my family and all, anyway I have to study for this meshuga test tommorow so...

PEOPLE!! please write to me, I really want to talk to everyone, but I have this thing where I don't send emails to people except as replies, so please take this as your personal invitation to e-mail me.

If you don't know my address its Seraphya **israelrules**@***israelrules** (ignore the stuff in the middle, its to stop my email address from being harvested to send spam to)

HaShem Imachem
Chag Sameach

my phone number

for anyone wishing to call me my number is

610 349 8557 in america and its Verizon

and if your out of america the country code is easy its 1